The next phase in our 2024 schedule for stream development is the Birmingham Demesne project on the River Nanny. This 500 metre enhancement will create fresh spawning sites on a section of the River Nanny where spawning potential is poor due to previous land drainage work.
Rock deflectors were not required for this development but rock was sited in areas where it would support introduced gravel, create structure and flow variance. Areas that had previously provided spawning and were no longer productive because of damage from land drainage work, were rejuvenated by the introduction of fresh gravel.
The material introductions were sympathetically introduced to speed up recovery of any disturbance caused by machine work, thus creating an enhancement that looks natural and more appealing to the eye. Another development by the IFI team where care and attention to detail has created fresh spawning sites and rejuvenated old ones for the reproduction of wild trout. All the work that has been performed on the Birmingham Demesne project, was designed to produce wild fish in areas which are now failing productively and it has been done to give nature every chance of making a positive recovery.