Kilgevrin stream development

The instream work for this 400 metre development has now been completed. Gravel infill has created new runs and glides to speed up flow and provide new spawning sites. These sites will hopefully be utilised by spawning trout and salmon during November and December.

Rock constriction points to increase flow and create a pool, riffle regime have been selectively positioned to provide a varied habitat for juvenile wild trout and salmon. Flow deflectors have been incorporated to provide a sinuous regime in what is a straight channel. Random rock has been placed in the pools and stream channel to provide structure, shelter and flow variance for juvenile wild fish.

The development has been sympathetically enhanced by the IFI team and new nursery habitat has been created for the reproduction of wild trout and salmon. This planned development by IFI, has been designed to provide the right type of habitat to produce those extra wild fish that have been lost from the system due to habitat degradation.